This deck has a lot of potential. Dragons are higly playable with a super fast draw enging and lineup of beatsticks. This version even uses some synchro power and a solid anti-destruction line-up. It has potential for greatness, but on to the deck list!
Deck List: 40 Cards
Monsters: 19 Cards
Blue Eyes White Dragon x3
Clear Vice Dragon x1
Van’Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord x2
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon x2
Kokai Meru Drago x2
Delta Flyer x1
Debris Dragon x3
The White Stone of Legend x3
Dandylion x2
Spells: 15 Cards
Future Fusion x1
Foolish Burial x1
Pot of Avarice x2
Trade-In x3
Giant Trunade x1
Cold Wave x1
Monster Reborn x1
Dark Hole x1
Dragon’s Mirror x1
Book of Moon x3
Traps: 6 Cards
Magic Drain x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Mirror Force x1
Extra Deck: 15 cards
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1
Five Headed Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Black Rose Dragon x2
Mist Wurm x1
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Magical Android x1
Colossal Fighter x1
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x2
I don't have this build all the way done, but I really think it has some potential.
If you have any suggestions, leave them below!
Peace off you smexy bitches.
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