Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"DARK MAGIC ATTACK" (Dark Magician Turbo Deck)

So, as you most likely guessed, this is my inner fanboy at work.

This is a more fun deck, I wouldn't try to take it to a Regional Event. But it could shake stuff up at a locals! Moving on with the decklist: 40 Cards

Monsters: 18 Cards
Dark Armed Dragon               x1
Gorz, the Emissary of Darness x1
Dark Eradicator Warlock         x1
Dark Magician                         x3
Chaos Sorcerer                        x2
Elemental Hero Prisma            x1
Armageddon Knight                x2
Necro Guardna                        x1
Plaguespreader Zombie            x1
Spirit Reaper                            x1
Ryko, the Lightsworn Hunter  x3

Spells: 14 Cards
Charge of the Light Brigade x1
Swing of Memories             x3
Allure of Darkness              x1
Card Destruction                 x1
Book of Moon                     x3
Monster Reborn                  x1
Dark Hole                           x1
Cold Wave                          x1
Giant Trunade                     x1
Dark Magic Attack             x1

Traps: 8 Cards
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Seven Tools of the Bandit   x1
Bottomless Trap Hole         x2
Call of the Haunted             x1
Torrential Tribute               x1
Solemn Judgment               x1
Mirror Force                       x1

Extra Deck: 15 cards
Dark Paladin                                                   x1
Stardust Dragon                                              x2
Red Dragon Archfiend                                   x1
Black Rose Dragon                                        x1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier                 x1
Ally of Justice Catastor                                  x1
Mist Wurm                                                     x1
Goyo Guardian                                              x1
Magical Android                                            x1
Colossal Fighter                                             x1
Arcanite Magician                                         x1
Armory Arm                                                  x1
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon                        x2

Previous versions of this deck had a more E Hero like engine. It wasn't all that effective. So I changed it back to a dark turbo feel. 

The Big Boss monsters are DAD, Chaos Sorc, Dark Magician, and I argue Warlock. 

Speed Cards are much of the spell line-up and the light monsters. 

Solid trap line-up, with pretty good spell and trap destruction.

If you have any comments or questions, be sure to leave those below! 

Peace off you smexy bitches.
