Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Super Hero Frogs" (Destiny Hero Dark Frogs)

So this is a fun deck today! 

Frogs and Heroes work well together. Its like frogs should wear capes!

I included a side deck on this one, just for the lolz. It is missing some important stuff...*cough*puppet plant*cough*

Deck List: 40 Cards

Monsters: 25 Cards
Dark Armed Dragon           x1
Light and Darkness Dragon x2
Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness x1
Trageodia                            x1
Caius the Shadow Monarch x3
Elemental Hero Stratos      x1
Destiny Hero Malcious      x2
Destiny Hero Defender      x1
Destiny Hero Diamond Dude x1
Sangan                                x1
Necro Guardna                  x1
Swap Frog                         x3
Ronintoadin                       x1
Treeborn Frog                   x2
Fishborg Blaster                x2
Glow-up Bulb                   x1
Battle Fader                      x1

Spells: 15 Cards
Miracle Fusion                    x2
Destiny Draw                      x1
Allure of Darkness              x1
Foolish Burial                      x1
Reinforcement of the Army x1
One for One                         x1
Enemy Controller                x3
Monster Reborn                   x1
Dark Hole                            x1
Mystical Space Typhoon    x2
Giant Trunade                     x1

Extra Deck: 15 cards
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero                      x2
Stardust Dragon                                             x2
Shooting Star Dragon                                    x1
Dark End Dragon                                          x1
Black Rose Dragon                                       x1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier                x1
Ally of Justice Catastor                                 x1
Colossal Fighter                                            x1
Armory Arm                                                 x1
Formula Synchron                                        x3
Chimeratech Frotress Dragon                       x1

Side Deck: 15 Cards
Vanity’s Fiend x2
Mobius x1
Kinnetic Soldier x3
Gemini Imps x2
D.D. Crow x2
Swift Scarecrow x2
Nobleman of Crossout x2
Super Polymerization x1

1 comment:

  1. Interesting concept. Reminds me of PC Monarchs.

    You could try a chaos variant if you wanted to take the idea further.

